
Showing posts from November, 2019


If you're like me, you've probably been wondering how you would determine your skin type. Knowing your skin type is the most important step to understand in caring for your skin. Your skin is your body's largest organ and it is as complex and intelligent as any other vital organ. Knowing your skin type will help you choose the right options that will balance your skin resulting in a healthier, radiant complexion. Skin type is more of a spectrum than a group and everyone's skin falls somewhere on the spectrum of either normal, dry, oily, combination or sensitive skin. Every persons skin is unique and skin type can change throughout the years                                                            GUIDE TO SKIN TYPE OILY SKIN: You know you  have oily skin if your skin constantly looks greasy and shiny within hours of cleansing....

Oily skin care routine

Hi guys, this is a continuation of my skin care series. Last week I wrote a post on how to determine skin type I strongly recommend that you read that first This is my second post on the skin care series. If you have an oily skin like I do you will agree with me that while a glossy sheer is gorgeous on your hair and nails it is certainly not appealing on your face. Oily skin implies that your skin has overactive sebaceous gland which produces more sebum (oil) than you actually need this makes your pores large , makes you prone to blackheads and acne and let's not forget about the midday shine. The good news about oily skin is that your risk of getting fine lines and wrinkles are significantly reduced. So you see having oily skin isn't all that bad, I have put together a day and night skin care regimen to alleviate your skin care woes. DAY TIME ROUTINE Cleanser : oily skin cannot go wit...

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