If you're like me, you've probably been wondering how you would determine your skin type. Knowing your skin type is the most important step to understand in caring for your skin. Your skin is your body's largest organ and it is as complex and intelligent as any other vital organ. Knowing your skin type will help you choose the right options that will balance your skin resulting in a healthier, radiant complexion. Skin type is more of a spectrum than a group and everyone's skin falls somewhere on the spectrum of either normal, dry, oily, combination or sensitive skin. Every persons skin is unique and skin type can change throughout the years                                                            GUIDE TO SKIN TYPE OILY SKIN: You know you  have oily skin if your skin constantly looks greasy and shiny within hours of cleansing. oily skin has large pores and is prone to acne and breakouts, this is due the excess sebum (natural oil produced by your skin which helps

How To Use Castor Oil To Clear Dark Spots And Brighten Your Skin

Castor oil has been in existence for a very very long time, it's been used for so many purposes like medicinal and beauty purpose. According to the Ebers Papyrus an Egyptian medical text from 1800 B.C., Egyptian doctors used castor oil to protect the eyes from irritation, but that's not what we are discussing today, there is no need to go into all that history because today our focus is on how to use castor oil to clear dark spots and brighten the skin.

Castor oil is a thick liquid extracted from castor seeds. It is loaded with lots of nutrients and vitamins. It contains Omega-3-fatty acid which stimulates growth of new healthy skin cells, hydrates the skin, enhance skin elasticity and even act as an SPF to ward off harmful UV rays. In addition to that castor oil contains ricinoleic acid a vital ingredient that gradually clears dark spots and patches and vitamins which tones the skin making it firmer. 

But here is the thing about castor oil, it won't work overnight! With castor oil, consistency is the key, you have to use it regularly to get your desired results (every good thing takes time right??) I will share with you some ingredients that when mixed with castor oil yields desired and effective results. Let's start!

#vitamin E and Castor oil
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that banishes free radicals from the skin. Pierce one vitamin E capsule and mix the liquid with one teaspoon of castor oil. Gently massage on the face, let it dry for about 15 minutes then rinse off.

#Potato and Castor oil
Potatoes contain the enzyme catecholase that is effective in reducing dark spots and scars. Potatoes also contain magnesium and zinc that promotes collagen production. Mix two teaspoons of potato juice with two teaspoon of castor oil, add a teaspoon of oatmeal powder. Apply this paste on face, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water

#Turmeric and Castor oil
Curcumin the active ingredient in turmeric has a lot of beauty benefits. It lightens dark spots by inhibiting melanin production. Mix one teaspoon of castor oil and half teaspoon of turmeric powder, apply on your face, allow it to dry and wash of with cold water.

#Tea tree oil and Castor oil
Tea tree oil is best known for it's antiseptic properties but it also has the ability to reduce hyperpigmentation. Mix half tablespoon of castor oil with four drops of tea tree oil, you may add one tablespoon of jojoba oil. Apply the mixture to the face after cleansing, allow to dry and rinse off.

#Aloe Vera Gel and Castor oil

Aloe Vera reduces spots and scars, it hydrates the skin and improves circulation. Mix aloe vera gel with castor oil at at 1:1 ration. Apply it as a mask and rinse off after 20 minutes.

#Lemon juice, Honey and Castor oil
Lemon acts as a bleaching agent, honey with it's antioxidant properties cleanses and heals damaged skin. Take one teaspoon of castor oil, half teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of raw honey mix thoroughly and apply to the face after cleansing. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse off.

#Almond oil and Castor oil
Mix two tablespoon of almond oil with one tablespoon of castor oil, apply it to a cleansed face and blot off with facial tissue after 10-15 minutes.

That brings us to the end. Pease comment below if have any questions 
To make sure you have no reaction always do a patch test for 12-24 hours before applying to the face. Do not use any of the treatments if you're allergic to any of the ingredients.


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